Being The Amazon Of Bricks And Mortar

Bill Maurer*,
director of
University Of California-Irvine’s
Institute for Money, Technology
and Financial Inclusion,

“One strand in today’s payments game
is about replicating
in the physical world
what’s already taken place

Online, Amazon has this sewn up.
They track my purchases
and give me recommendations.
That’s easy on the Internet,
but it’s a big challenge
in the physical world,
and right now,
no one owns the consumer
at the point of sale.”

For large companies,
doing this
is a huge task.
They have thousands of customers,
even more products.

For a small, growing company,
this might be easier to do.
In fact,
some of your salespeople
might be already doing this,
purely by memory.

Consider creating a system
to recommend products
based on your customer’s
purchase history.

*January 2015
Delta Sky