Try On Advice

Seth Godin has some great advice
about processing advice

“Here’s a simple way to process advice:
Try it on.

Instead of explaining
to yourself and to your advisor
why an idea is wrong,
impossible or merely difficult,
consider acting out
what it would mean.
Act as if,
talk it through,
follow the trail.
Turn the advice
into a new business plan,
or a presentation
you might give to the board.
Turn the advice
into three scenarios,
try to make the advice even bolder…”

Know, also, how you react to advice.
My first reaction
is rejection
and then anger,
and finally acceptance.
Because I react this way,
I ask for advice
to be given in written form first.
I read it,
walk through the emotional reaction
and then can discuss it rationally
with the adviser.

Anyone who takes the time
to give you advice
Honor that caring
by, at the very least,
considering her advice.