Keep The Selection Simple

One of my pen names
has over 80 stories available for sale.
This large selection
stresses readers out
and they often don’t buy
any of them.
So what I do is recommend 3 stories.
“If you’ve never read anything by me,
try X, Y and Z.”
This increases sales.

Mark Victor Hansen
and Robert G. Allen
in Cracking The Millionaire Code

“Researchers held two different taste tests
at a supermarket.
Test #1 gave shoppers
a choice to sample
any of 24 delicious confectionery jams.
Test #2 gave shoppers
a choice of only 6 jams.
Which test created more sales?
Test #2 increased overall sales
by 600%!
Keep it simple.”

If you have a wide variety of products,
consider promoting a limited selection.