Being Honest Vs Being Rude

Some of my relatives
come from a culture
where saying
anything that pops into their heads
is considered okay.
They claim
they’re being ‘honest.’

Being brutally honest
is answering “yes”
when someone asks us
if we think her product packaging is ugly.

If the person doesn’t ask,
there’s no reason
to tell her
the product packaging is ugly.
Of all of the random comments
to share,
choosing to insult someone’s work
is rude, not honest.

Especially if we have no other context
for the comment.
Do we know her target market,
that target market’s perception of beauty,
what she wants the package to do?

If we’re being completely honest,
we should also add
that we don’t know
what the f*ck we’re talking about.

Being rude
isn’t the same as
being honest.