Taylor Swift And The Victoria Secret Angels

I loved watching the
Victoria Secret Fashion Show
on Tuesday.
Because I saw one successful woman
(Taylor Swift)
supporting other successful women
(the Victoria Secret models).

Yes, some media talking heads
tried to make up drama
between the women
but what I saw
was mutual respect
a celebration of being strong women.

Did we perceive
Taylor Swift as being less successful
because she supported the angels?
Of course not.
We saw her as being
even stronger,
more influential.

And that is how it should be
in business.
Unless you have the exact same product,
the exact same marketing,
the exact same systems
as I do,
we’re not competitors.
We’re appealing to different customers.

Let’s support each other.

Categorized as Marketing

Age, Wisdom And Making A Difference

One of the common themes
in media
is to interview someone
who has done something
for a long time.
This could be
stay married,
have a career,
simply remain alive.

The assumption is…
these people must have learned
from doing this thing
all of these years.
They must have wisdom
we don’t.

The other assumption is
they’re doing this thing well.
Their marriage is fulfilling.
They’re great at their career.
They have a happy life.

These are two huge assumptions
but they do show society’s expectations
of us.
Society expects us to be become better.
Society expects us to only continue something
if we’re doing that something well.

Society also expects us
to make a difference
even if we’re well past retirement age.
(Seth Godin has a great post on this)

Are you becoming a better,
more knowledgeable person?
Are you contributing to the world?

Google PageRank Disappearing

Google has announced
that they will no longer
be using PageRank for sites.

They will be turning
their focus
to traffic.

clientk readers know
I don’t give a rat’s a$$
about SEO on this site.
Google hates these short posts.
I don’t write them for search engines.
I write them for you,
very busy,

It turns out…
that’s what Google wants.
They want us
to put our customers first,
to write content
that will make these customers

Tim Kelsey,
director of client marketing services
at Pronto,

“Your SEO efforts
should be focused
on driving quality traffic
to your website.
After all,
it’s traffic that drives
new leads and sales.”

Concentrate on traffic
and conversions
(and customer service).
THOSE are the purposes
of your site.

Categorized as Marketing

Try Something Different

Henry Ford
“If you always do
what you’ve always done,
you’ll always get
what you’ve always got.”

That’s as true now as it was then.
For creatives
–writers, product designers, marketing folks
— mixing it up is a must.
We’re being paid to provide new experiences.
For others,
progress in careers
only come when there’s change.

Aprille Janes

“Being vulnerable is
the willingness to accept
either success or failure.
It’s being all in and playing full out
even when it’s messy
and less than perfect.
In fact, I’d go so far as to say
you can’t succeed
until you’re willing to fail.
It starts with stepping out
of your comfort zone
(which looks more like a rut,
don’t you think?)”

Try something different today.
It could be taking a new route to the office,
adding chocolate sprinkles to your coffee,
using a pen with green ink.
Change something.

What Is Holding You Back?

What is holding you back?

I can almost guarantee
that the answer to this question
You’re holding yourself back.
Yes, things go wrong
and yes, there’s an element
of luck
in every success.
But one of the biggest determinants
of success
is knowing yourself,
knowing your strengths,
your weaknesses,
your psychological blocks.

I know I like to flit
from project to project,
never finishing anything.
I’ve put checks into place
ensuring I finish projects.

I know I have a terrible memory.
I have systems in place
to compensate for this.

When I see people fail,
it is usually because
they’re not aware
of their weaknesses.
They don’t realize
they’re doing this to themselves.

Take a good long look
at yourself.
Ask for input,
specifically requesting insight
into your weaknesses.
THEN craft systems
to compensate.

When Should You Quit Your Business?

VERY few businesses are successful
from day one.
It takes some time
to determine
whether or not a business will work.

How much time?

Kevin O’Leary,
entrepreneur and venture capitalist
on Shark Tank,

“The best rule is,
if, after 36 months
you’re not making money,
take it behind the barn and shoot it.
It’s not a business.
It’s a hobby.”

Don’t expect to turn a profit
day 1
(though that would be nice)
but expect to see one
day 1096.

Corbin Bernsen And Snow Globes

Corbin Bernsen collects snow globes.
“The unusual collection began
while he was shooting “L.A. Law,”
visiting cities
and being gifted the tchotkes
as he went.
By the end of the show’s eight-year run,
he says he had collected
about 25 or 30
before finding an antique snow globe
priced at $240.”

What does this have to do
with business building?

The holidays are coming.
We’ll likely receive gifts.
We have two choices
— we can give loved ones
suggestions about what we want
we can survey what we receive
and figure out
how to make the most
out of the gifts.

Allow your loved ones
to help you with your dreams.
Put their gifts
to the best use.

Reviewing Goals For 2014

As we enter December,
one of the things
I do
is review my goals for the year.

Are there goals
I’d like to achieve
but haven’t yet tackled?
Can I push myself
and my team
to achieve these goals
before the end
of the year?

If I can’t achieve these goals,
I add them to my list
for the next year.
They form a base
for 2015.

It isn’t too late
to achieve some of your 2014 goals.
WORK it!

Wrong Phone Number?

I had 12 rounds of edits on a story.
I looked at it.
My critique partners looked at it.
My agent, editor and copyeditors looked at it.

There was a typo on the first page.

Mistakes happen.
If you advertise often enough,
you’ll have a big mistake happen
– a website or phone number
is listed incorrectly.

Don Alm
shares his technique
for dealing with this common problem

“I tell her to “relax” and
I will look at the problem…
and sure nuff, the Phone #
for one of the advertisers is wrong……
instead of an “8” in the number,
the number on the Mugs is “SIX”!

So….I phone the “6” number
and sure nuff…….it’s a residence.

I tell the person
who picks up the phone
that “A Mistake Was Made”……
Their phone number
was put in the Ad by Mistake
I’d be willing to pay them $5
for each phone call they received,
asking about (X)

He agreed!

I then asked him
to write down each and every phone no
and send it to me,
and I’d pay him $5 for each one.

instead of being accused of “something”
……”interrupting” them, or whatever
…..I got a “Lead-Collector”!”

Most people I know
and most websites
would redirect happily
for a fee.

There is a solution
for every problem.

Categorized as Marketing

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Just Another Day

Some marketing experts
have pointed out
that Black Friday and Cyber Monday
are simply arbitrary days
someone chose
to create buying hype around.

Yes, most special events
are arbitrary days
someone chose.
December 25th (Christmas)
wasn’t the day
Jesus was born.

Almost every culture
has a different New Year’s Eve.

We choose arbitrary days
because people like
doing things,
including shopping,
We’re group animals.
It is also efficient
for the organizers.

So what is stopping your community,
your group of XXX,
from creating their own day?
Why can’t you have
“Shop (town’s name) Day”?

You can.
Nothing is stopping you.

P.S. I don’t believe in
“Shop Local Day”.
I believe in
“Shop (town’s name) Day”.
There is no emotional connection
to “Local”.
There is an emotional connection
to a person’s town.

Categorized as Marketing