Age, Wisdom And Making A Difference

One of the common themes
in media
is to interview someone
who has done something
for a long time.
This could be
stay married,
have a career,
simply remain alive.

The assumption is…
these people must have learned
from doing this thing
all of these years.
They must have wisdom
we don’t.

The other assumption is
they’re doing this thing well.
Their marriage is fulfilling.
They’re great at their career.
They have a happy life.

These are two huge assumptions
but they do show society’s expectations
of us.
Society expects us to be become better.
Society expects us to only continue something
if we’re doing that something well.

Society also expects us
to make a difference
even if we’re well past retirement age.
(Seth Godin has a great post on this)

Are you becoming a better,
more knowledgeable person?
Are you contributing to the world?