Going Public Is More Than A Funding Decision

Seth Godin has a great post
on the perils
of going public

“Here’s a Wall Street analyst
with Needham & Company
speaking her truth, about Facebook:

“Wall Street cares about the business model.
We care less about changing the world.”

The reality of being a senior executive
at a fast-growing public internet company
is that you’re surrounded by
thousands (or tens of thousands)
of people who make
millions of dollars every single time
the stock price goes up a dollar.

And that’s where
the seeds of demise are sown.”

This change starts well
before the company goes public.
Accountants usually come in
and ‘craft’ the story,
pressuring executives to make changes
to ensure the IPO goes well.

Going public is more than
a funding decision.
It will change your company.
Consider the other impacts
when making your decision.