Venn Diagram For New Ideas

Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg

“Google[x] has a simple Venn diagram
that it uses to determine
if it will pursue an idea.

First, the idea has to be something
that addresses a big challenge
or opportunity,
something that affects
hundreds of millions or
billions of people.

Second, they have to have
an idea for a solution
that is radically different
from anything currently in the market.
We aren’t trying to improve on
an existing way of doing something,
rather we want to start over.

And third, the breakthrough technologies
that could bring that radical solution to life
have to be at least feasible,
and achievable
in the not-too-distant future.”

You’re not Google.
You might not need billions
of possible prospects.
You might be looking at
manufacturing capabilities
instead of breakthrough technologies.

But you would benefit
from having a Venn diagram
for your new ideas.