Provide A Next Step

I recently attended
an online reader event.
Writers were told
we’d be bounced from the event
and basically shamed
if we promo’ed.
One website addie
would put us on the blacklist.

So we provided excerpts
without buy links,
book covers
without website addresses,
talked about all of the extras
we give readers
without letting them know
where they could get
these extras.

It was a disaster.
Readers were frustrated
as hell.
Many of them privately messaged me
and I gave them the links
they needed.
F*ck the organizers.

Customers and prospects
want the option to buy.

That bit about 80% content
and 20% promo?
That doesn’t mean
you send out 100% content pieces
80% of the time
and 100% promo pieces
20% of the time.

That means stick 2 lines of promo
(a website and a tagline)
at the bottom of 8 lines of content.

Give prospects a next step.

Categorized as Sales