Money And Goals

Two advertisements played over and over
on the radio yesterday.
One ad for a college
pitched that college grads make more money
and isn’t that what everyone wants?
The other ad for a job search website
asked listeners to find a new better paying job
because more money is, again,
what everyone wants.

No, it ISN’T what everyone wants.
What everyone wants is happiness,
whatever their view of happiness is.
This could be security, family,
companionship, health,
respect, freedom,
or a hundred other interpretations.

Amassing money isn’t an end goal.
Money is a bartering tool,
making the exchange of one good/service
for another
It is a intermediary step
or a short term goal.

It also might not be
a necessary intermediary step
to get you
to your final goal.

If amassing money or increasing sales
is your end goal,
reevaluate what you TRULY want.