Taking Marriage Advice From Geraldo Rivera

Geraldo Rivera knows how to make news,
how to work the media,
how to make a great living
in the entertainment business.

He doesn’t know sh*t
about building a happy, lasting marriage.
He’s been married five times,
four of these times ending in divorce,
the fifth time no yet lasting long enough
to qualify as a success.

Recently, he spouted off
about what a woman brings to a marriage.

The unnerving thing is…
people listened.
Some talking heads said
we could learn from his mistakes.
He must have learned something.

Did he?
Does HE know what his mistakes are?
Do we have proof
that he’s uncovered the secret
to a long, happy marriage?
Where is the success
backing up his claims?

When weighing advice,
ALWAYS look for success
in the same field as that advice.