Expect The Unexpected

I have a confession to make.
I advised business builders
to blog about their business or industry
every day.

I don’t always blog every day,
not for my romance pen names.
I load my posts in advance.
These posts usually can go live
any time in any order.

I only write 5 posts for the 7 day week.
Because, historically,
I get 2 requests or more a week
for last minute posts
(friends with releases,
reviews of my stories,
unexpected news).

I’m lazy
and I save days for these posts.
These events are unexpected
yet predictable.
Although I might not know the topics,
I know I’ll have these posts.

(VERY rarely)
these expected unexpected posts
won’t happen
and I’ll have a gap.

Expect the unexpected
and plan for it.

Categorized as Marketing