Being Late

In May’s CPA Magazine,
Julie Miller

“If tardiness is a habit
-if others expect it from you
rather than being surprised by it
-you’re not being accountable.
In effect, what you’re saying is,
“I don’t value your time.
I believe I’m more important than you.
It’s not important to me
to honor the agreement we made.”

When I consider partnering with someone,
I look at what they do
vs what they say.
If they show up late once,
I assume they’ll be late for everything,
that they won’t make any of their deadlines,
that MY project will end up
launching late
because they can’t stick to a time table.

This prospective partner
is STARTING with this mark against them.

If I have a choice,
I don’t partner with people
who show up late.

Categorized as Sales