The Sharing Culture

Elina Furman,
co-founder of Pley,
a subscription service
for kids who love LEGOs,

“I think “sharing” will be as commonplace
as social media in two years.
In 10 years,
it will be how people
consume and interact
with the world.
Kids are setting us up for that
—they are learning it first.
It is our new paradigm.”

What is sharing?

Her company is an example.
Parents share Lego sets,
using Pley as a conduit
(and a sanitizer).

Zipcar is another example.
Members share car ownership,
again with Zipcar as the conduit.

As ‘mine’ is
one of the first words
children learn,
I don’t think the owning culture
is going away
any time soon
but both can certainly coexist.

Consider servicing the sharing community.