Don’t Forget Conventional Businesses

Richard Branson,
Founder of Virgin Group

“Most 22-year-olds today
think that the way
to make their fortunes is
through setting up tech businesses
and it is true
that can be a fruitful direction.

But other more conventional businesses
shouldn’t be forgotten.
There are still plenty of different sectors
that need shaking up.

It is more important
to follow your passion
than going into tech
simply to make a fortune.

Not everybody is technically minded anyway,
and if you don’t really love what you do,
you won’t succeed.”

I’ve worked in quite a few industries
(beverage, movies, mortgages,
real estate, publishing, etc)
and I saw opportunities in ALL of them.
Yes, even in the romance novel business.
There are almost too many improvements
that I can make.

Enter and improve
industries you’re passionate about.