Cause Marketing

Part of every romance writer’s
marketing campaign
is cause marketing,
an alignment with certain charities.

It is expected by our readers
that we participate in charity anthologies
and charity blog hops.

My stories usually already mention
the causes that are near and dear
to my heart
(cancer research, wounded warriors, etc)
so readers aren’t surprised
that I’m aligned with them.

They know I care about the cause
and that’s the number one rule
with cause marketing.

As James O’Brien

“You must care about the cause.
The first challenges
most business owners will face
is how to find a cause to work with
if they’re not partnered with one already.
It has to be the right cause.
It has to strike both
consumers and charitable givers
as the right relationship
to promote that cause.”

Care about the cause you’re supporting.

Categorized as Marketing