Confidence, Happiness, And Other Feelings

Seth Godin has a great post
on Confidence.

“You succeed because
you’ve chosen to be confident.
It’s not really useful
to require yourself
to be successful
before you’re able to become confident.”

Happiness is also a choice.
Optimism is a choice.
Yes, we might be naturally inclined
toward a certain emotional setting
but the brain is a powerful thing.
We can overcome these defaults.

I have tricks to make myself more confident.
I have a list of wins I’ll peruse.
I have a suit that I feel powerful
while wearing.
I have certain friends and associates
I’ll talk to
(and some I’ll avoid).
I have a pep talk I give myself.

I have similar tricks
when I want to feel happy
or optimistic
or, if I need to ruthlessly revise stories,
when I want to feel grumpy.

Learn how to manage your emotions,
using them as a tool for success.