The Silent Partner

I consider my pen names
to be partially owned
by my hubby.
This angers some writing buddies.
They feel I did all of the writing,
I should own the pen name completely.
Without me, there would be no pen name.

Yes, but without my hubby,
I wouldn’t have time to write stories.
I couldn’t afford the slow income build
that many start ups face.
I’d have to work in a business gig
to pay the bills.

And when I have a deadline,
when I’m writing
until my fingertips are bloody stumps,
he’s doing everything else.
He’s cooking, cleaning,
taking care of emergencies,
freeing me to write.

Odds are,
if you’re in a relationship,
your other half is likely doing the same.
He/she might not be creating product
but he/she is freeing your time
so you can create product.

Appreciate your sometimes silent partners.