Is Blogging Dead?

I’m asked this question quite a bit.

The short answer is

As the November/December
The Costco Connection

“A 2013 survey by HubSpot
revealed that 43 percent of marketers
generated customers
from their blogs.”

I generate a tremendous number
of new readers
from my writing blogs.
(not Clientk –
Clientk is 100% about giving back to the world)
These blogs are connected
to my publishers’ communities,
and other sites.

I mention my posts on Facebook, on Twitter
and Yahoo reader loops.
These posts give me a reason
to post my bio information
or my signatures
WITH links to my most recent releases.

I don’t give a crap
about Google’s unique content rules
because these loops/communities are
where my readers are.

Blogs remain valid marketing platforms.
They are very much alive
and can be a great source
of new customers.

Categorized as Marketing