Document, Document, Document

William Arruda

““Busy” is the most common reason
people give me
for not doing anything
to build their brand
so they can advance their career.
They make time for emails
and meetings and teleconferences,
but they don’t capture
the true benefits of all those activities.
Working in their career
is getting in the way of
working on their career.
Sound familiar?

Well, here’s
the one personal branding habit
you can’t be too busy for.

Document your wins.
What’s the easiest way to do that?
Keep a job journal.”

When I was working in corporate,
I documented EVERYTHING
I thought might help me in the future
– my wins,
mistakes by others (my dirt file),
secret relationships
(the boss went to school
with my co-worker),
the brand of chocolate
the CEO’s executive assistant preferred.
The more detailed my notes were,
the more powerful the information was.

And information IS power,
especially when so few of my competition
documented anything.
My documentation saved my job,
snagged me promotions,
helped me sell my projects
into the management team.

Take the time every day
to document.