Smartphone Dead Zone

I don’t have a smartphone.
I work out of my home
and I don’t have a burning need
to keep in constant contact
with anyone.

Plus smartphones are creative sucks.
I feel the need to check email constantly
and this pulls me
out of the worlds I’m building,
out of the stories I’m writing.

I’m the only non-smartphone user
in my household
but we’ve set
a no electronics at the dinner table
This helps us connect
with each other.

Brian Moran

“Our phones,
more so than our tablet devices
and notebook computers,
are the culprits behind our insatiable need
to keep abreast of everything
that’s happening around the world.

According to a study
done by Tomi Ahonen,
a mobile technology expert,
the average person will check
his or her smartphone
approximately 150 times
in a working day of 16 hours,
or once every 6.5 minutes.
In addition,
the average person will make,
receive or avoid 22 phone calls
and send 23 text messages
in a given day.”

Consider creating a smartphone dead zone.
Detox from electronics
for at least a few minutes a day.