Working Your Way Up

A new grad told me recently
that she quit her first full time job
because it was ‘a toxic environment.’

What was toxic about it?

Her boss yelled at her,
calling her an idiot,
and that’s abuse, don’t you know?

Well, sure it is,
but she had no work experience,
she didn’t know what she was doing,
and there isn’t exactly a labor shortage right now.

We all work shitty jobs
when we first start out.
We work long hours for little pay
and we usually don’t have the best managers.
One of my managers could be heard yelling
from the parking lot.
He threw things.
I would come home every night
and cry.

But I sucked it up
because I had a plan
and I needed that job
to get me to the next level.
I didn’t stay there
but I also didn’t quit
until I had another job.

Yes, get the hell out
of a toxic work environment
but leave on your terms.