Objections About Price

I receive emails
from readers all the time
about how they can’t afford my stories,
about how romance novels are overpriced.

Then I promo a story they can’t resist
and suddenly they can afford it.
(They can also afford $5 coffees
and $50 manicures.)

It isn’t about price.
It is about perceived value.

As Andrea J. Stenberg

“In these troubled economic times,
price may very well be an issue.
objections about price
are usually code for
“I’m not really sure
I need/want your product”.

If someone really wants
what you have to offer,
it’s amazing how quickly
they’ll figure out how to pay for it.”

Price objections are
perceived value objections.
You can lower the price
or raise the perceived value.

(In my case,
I raised the perceived value
by writing better blurbs
i.e. marketing copy)

Categorized as Sales