Advertising Scarcity

One of the series I’ve written
has four books in it.
I’ve told readers
there will only be four books.
Some readers bought the books
BECAUSE they knew the series was done.

The series is doing very well.
I get emails every day
from readers
asking me to extend the series.
My publisher has asked me
to extend the series.

I won’t.
I can’t.
The trust between writer and reader
is important
and I won’t break it.

Advertising scarcity is similar.
Legitimate scarcity is fine.
Artificial scarcity kills trust.

As Mike Michalowicz

“Be honest!
If you’re legitimately short of supply
on an item,
then advertise it,
and be authentically out of stock
when you are.
Don’t trade on false scarcity.
Consumers won’t trust a company
that lies to them,
and they will tell their friends.”

If you’re advertising scarcity,
deliver on scarcity.

Categorized as Marketing