On The Edge Of Success

Many companies hire
freshly designated accountants.

A major beverage company
I worked for
aggressively hires accountants
one final step away
from achieving their accounting designations.

All of the time and money investment
has already been paid
they have first choice of candidates.

I suspect one of the reasons
my New York publisher signed me
was because I’m a book or two away
from breaking out sales-wise.

I have almost 60 stories published
and my readership has been building steadily.
It is fairly easy to predict
that I will break out soon.

Yet other publishers didn’t bother
to make that prediction.
One of my current publishers eliminated
the entire line I was writing for.
Ironically, if my sales continue,
this dead line will become one of their bestsellers.

When you have a choice of candidates
for employees, business partners, suppliers,
look at the progression in their career/business.
Bet on the candidate positioned
on the edge of success.