Short-Term Vs Long-Term Thinking

I’ve been presented
with another great
writing (business building) opportunity.
This opportunity requires
another month of crazy writing hours
and it might not pay off for years,
if at all.

This project is challenging.
It is much easier
to spend my day
answering email
than it is to work on this project
but answering email is short-term thinking.

As Mark McGuinness

“Those who get swept off track
do so
because they are thinking short-term:

The phone is ringing now,
so I need to answer it.
The email has just arrived,
I need to get rid of it ASAP.
I’ll just get this one out of the way,
it shouldn’t take long…

When you think like this,
the pressures of the moment
will always feel more urgent
than settling down to wrestle
with something truly important
(and difficult).”

Do the truly important work first
even if it is more difficult.