Your Career Goal

My goal is not to be the best
romance writer in the world.
Yes, some people are shocked
when I say that
but it is the truth.

My goal isn’t to be the most read
romance writer in the world either.
(if that was my goal,
I’d give my stories away)

I strive to be the best writer
I can be
and to give my readers value
for their book buying dollars
but I am more interested in sales,
in earning a living from writing,
than in awards or perfection or being read.

Do I broadcast this goal?
No, because it isn’t a reader-friendly goal.
But I know what it is.
And I am honest about what I need
to make me happy.

Take a brutally HONEST look
at your career goal.
You don’t have to share this goal
but know what it is
and make decisions
that lead you toward accomplishing it.