Get Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

When I was fretting
about pitching a new product
to a team of executives,
one of my mentors told me
that sick feeling in my stomach
was a GOOD thing.
It meant
I was doing something different
and only by doing something different
could I grow
and truly make a difference
in the world.

Robert Gorelick,
president of Benefit Equity, Inc.
applies this thinking
to business.

“Being innovative takes
an open, inquisitive mindset
that encourages you
to look outside of your comfort zone
to analyze what has successfully been done
in other industries
so you can adapt those tactics
to your business.”

Do something different
or learn something different
every single day.
It could be as simple
as eating your eggs sunny-side up
rather than over-easy
or as challenging
as learning a common sentence
(like “Do you speak English?”)
in another language.

Get outside of your comfort zone.