The Blind Painter

The blind painter
The deaf singer

The media and the average person
loves these types of stories.
They prove we can do anything.

But should we do that anything?

The lazy route to success
is to uncover what we’re great at,
work to make that great even better,
and figure out a way to profit
from that greatness,
delegating the tasks we suck at.

My writing strength is developing characters.
Romances are heavily character-based
so that’s what I write.
I suck at grammar.
My editor fixes my grammar for me.

My editor’s strength is grammar
and finding mistakes,
improving writing.
She sucks at developing plots
and characters.

Yes, if I worked really hard,
I could be an editor,
and yes, if my editor worked really hard,
she could be a writer,
but why would we?
It is much more efficient
to do what we do best
and delegate the rest.

Work with your strengths.
Delegate to mitigate your weaknesses.