Say Yes To More Time

Are you time-starved?
Do you running out of hours in the day,
unable to spend time
on the things that truly matters?

There’s only one solution.

As George Ambler shares
“The only way
we can get more time
is by saying no
to things we usually say yes to.
Although we often recognise
the need to say “no”,
it is often challenging to do so.
It seems that many people
do not know how to say no.”

Yep, say no.

There are different ways to say no.

George suggests saying yes slowly
or asking for more information
information which,
in my personal experience,
you won’t ever receive.

I prefer receiving and giving
a blunt “no, thank you.”

How you say it
doesn’t really matter.
What matters is you say it.

If you want more time,
you have to stop doing the things
you’re currently doing,
and that means saying no.