Fake Job Postings

Three months ago,
a loved one applied for a job
he really really wanted.
He went through the entire interview process.
He razzled and dazzled the management team.
He thought he had the job.

The job went to someone else.

Because the management team
had a specific employee in mind for the position.
They had to post the job
and interview candidates
because that was company policy.

My loved one was frustrated
but not for long.
The day after the first job was filled,
he was contacted about another job.
He had impressed the management team
during his interviews
and they knew they wanted to hire him.

This time,
he went through the entire interview process
and HE was the favored candidate.
He starts his new job in a week.

A preferred candidate is one reason
you might not have gotten that job.
Dawn Lennon shares some other reasons.

But just because you didn’t get THAT job,
doesn’t mean you won’t land another job
within the same company.