The Power Of Pronouns

When I first started writing,
I’d talk about MY stories,
MY business,
MY branding.

This isolated me.
I was a team of one.
Editors would edit
and that was all.
My husband wasn’t emotionally involved
in what I was trying to achieve,
even though I was trying to achieve it
for both of us.

Then I changed my pronouns.
I’d refer to the stories
as our stories.
I’d send editors the positive reviews.
I cc’d them on the cover art.

When my husband came home,
I’d talk about our successes,
our challenges,
our covers,
our sales.
He’d comment more,
suggest more,
help more.

I was no longer alone.
I was part of a team.

Pronouns are VERY powerful.
They are the difference
between exclusion
and inclusion.

Change your pronouns
and you’ll change your life.