Sales Scripts

When I worked
for a telemarketing company,
the first thing
I was given
was a sales script.

The sales script
was the basis for every sales call.
The top sellers didn’t look at the script
and they had tweaked
their script for their own style
but they had the company sales script
“just in case.”

Just in case, they were tired.
Just in case, they worried
about something else.
Just in case, they had a bad day.

Rory Vaden from Southwestern Consulting

“Most salespeople are
far less technically proficient
at selling than they think.
They are scared to call
on new business
because they aren’t good at it
and they don’t know what to say.

While they will complain about
being forced to say word-for-word scripts,
you must have them available
and they must work.

If you don’t,
stop everything you are doing,
find the nearest consultant
and get some.

A sales team without talk tracks
is like a business without a business plan,
scattered and inconsistent.”

Develop a sales script
for your sales team.

Categorized as Sales