Saving Money On Commercials

Yesterday, I watched a TV commercial
for an awning company
It was solid…
up to the point
where the price was mentioned
by the actor.
The price was in one voice
and the rest of the sentence
was in another.

Yep, when the price obviously changed,
the company simply dubbed
over the actor’s real voice.

The voices were close enough
that if the entire sentence
had been changed,
prospects might not have noticed
but the only price was dubbed.
It sounded cheap, unprofessional,
and harmed the company’s brand.

THIS is why prices are usually only mentioned
in voice overs.
This is also why forward thinking companies
ask the actor or actress
to repeat the same lines for a variety of prices.

Saving money on commercials
is a great idea.
Prospects being able to tell
HOW you saved money on commercials
is a disaster.

Categorized as Marketing