The Wrong Thing For The Right Reason

One of my July releases
is part of a multi-author series.
The strength of multi-author series
is that the authors pool their marketing resources
and share readers.

We all have ideas on what marketing works.
Some of us are scientific
about testing what works.
(waving my hand)
Some of us feel in our guts
what works.

I’ve never sold romance novels off a blog tour.
I find other marketing venues
are a much better return on my time.

However, some of the authors
strongly believe in blog tours.
They have blogs
and they really want the rest of us
to zip around the blogosphere.

So I am.
Because their goodwill is worth
a few blog posts
and because I’d like them to participate
in my marketing ventures.
The blog tour is a good investment for me
but not in the way the blog-loving authors think.

Sometimes it is easier to simply do the wrong thing
than convince people that it IS the wrong thing.

Categorized as Marketing