Tell Me A Story

One of my romance readers
is a highly intelligent woman.
She knows SO much.
However, not many people listen to her
because she presents dry facts,
emotionless information.

We all have enough information.
We don’t need any more.

What we need are stories,
engaging stories filled with emotion.

As John Furgurson shares

“In an effort to “push valuable content”
to prospects,
some internet marketers are inundating people
with more and more information.
And there’s something troubling
about the quality of that content:

Most of it is totally devoid of emotion.

The model that’s emerging
seems to rely on dry, analytical information.
And lots of it!
Occasionally, when someone gets really “creative,”
they take the data and spruce it up
with an “infographic.”
So it looks a little cooler,
but that doesn’t make it any more interesting
or relevant.

What’s missing is
a compelling narrative.”

Even the driest facts
can be dressed up in stories.

These marketers entertain
and when they entertain,
people pay attention.
They’re engaged.
They can be sold to.

Facts don’t sell.
Emotions sell.
Infuse your facts with emotion.
Tell us a story.

Categorized as Marketing