Free Marketing

Recently Yahoo ran an article
about a woman who is supposedly living without money…
except she isn’t,
not really.

Sure, she doesn’t pay for anything herself
but that is
because the people she’s staying with
are paying for her upkeep.

She is also paying a price.
She completes chores.
She hasn’t a great relationship with her family.
She is constantly on the move.

There is unlimited ‘free’ marketing
for writers and… heck… any business.
For example:
Bloggers are always looking
for blog posts
(not this blogger though).

Except this ‘free’ marketing
costs time and effort,
time that could be applied
to producing income-increasing products.

Take into account
all of the costs
when looking at marketing alternatives.
Marketing you pay money for
might be a better value
than marketing you invest time in.

Amended: It seems that Seth Godin and I
are on the same wavelength this morning.
His post on opportunity cost is awesome!

Categorized as Marketing