The Power Of Indirect Questions

Do you know what you want?
What you TRULY want?

We lie,
even to ourselves,
perhaps ESPECIALLY to ourselves.

To avoid these lies,
former FBI agent
LaRae Quy advises

that we ask indirect questions.

“The secret of an FBI stealth interrogation
is to never ask direct questions.
Instead, come from the side.

For example, questions like,
“What is my purpose in life?”
“What do I want?”
are too broad to produce a meaningful answer.
Instead, ask yourself stealth questions like
“What would excite me?”
“What looks, feels, and sounds
like an adventure?””

To determine what I REALLY want,
I often ask myself
whom I’m jealous of,
whose life I’d like.
I watch for jealousy.

As Socrates says
“The unexamined life
is not worth living…”
but when you’re examining your life,
ask yourself the more truthful
indirect questions.