If It Is Meant To Be

A buddy of mine writes
interracial romances.
Her fellow interracial romance writers
would bitch and complain
about how there was no writing chapter
for them.
She’d tell them to form one.
They wouldn’t.
She finally got tired of their complaining
and organized the chapter
her own damn self.

Now that it is up and running,
she has plenty of helpers
but she will always, always be the founder.

Last year, I was part
of a multi-author series.
I was the newbie author in the series
and I waited for someone
to organize cross-promotion, etc.
Nobody did.

This year, I’m part
of another multi-author series.
I didn’t wait for someone else
to organize cross-promotion.
I did it my own damn self.

Once I organized the activities,
I had plenty of helpers
who did as much or more work
than I did.
However, I’m seen as a leader
and I’m getting the bulk of the credit.

If you want something done,
organize it your own damn self.
Delegate but take the lead.
Make things happen.
Change your world.