Kelly Clarkson’s Big Break

We all know authors or entrepreneurs
who are waiting for the big break.
“If I just get a break,
I’ll be on easy street.”

Yeah, no,
easy street does not follow
a big break.
Even more hard work does.

Look at Kelly Clarkson’s experience.
She was the very first
American Idol winner
and many people assumed
things were sunshine and roses for her
after that win.

As Kelly Clarkson shares

“You have to keep knocking
on every damn door.
Right after ‘Idol,’
people think it all landed in my lap.
It did not.
People hated ‘Idol.’
I don’t know if anybody remembers that
but all I did was get bashed left and right.”

“It was a lot of hard work
and playing all the state fairs
you could do.
My whole joke was
‘I started playing in town manure
and I still do.'”

Big breaks are wonderful opportunities
but only for people willing
to work
and take advantage of
that opportunity.

The Big Break is only the beginning.