Have An Objective

Ken Davis shares that

“75 percent of the people
leave a presentation
with no idea what the point
of the message was.

Even worse,
50 percent of speakers
can’t identify the objective
of their own talk.”

Yes, 50 percent of speakers
don’t know what they’re attempting
to accomplish
by speaking.

I’m not one for extra words.
Clientk is proof of that.
When I talk,
I have an objective.

When I give a speech,
I repeat that objective over and over.
Recently I wrote a 750 word article
on the importance of reader expectations
I used ‘reader expectations’ 19 times.

Sometimes I worry
I’m a little too repetitive,
UNTIL I ask attendees
what the key learning was.
Even with the repetition,
not everyone receives the message.

Have an objective for your speech.
State that objective.
Repeat that objective.