Out Of Your Head

One of the first things I do
with a new story
is explain it to a buddy.
If I can get her excited
about my story
in a sentence or two,
I know I can sell the story
to both a publisher
and readers.

Leadership strategies are similar.
You can have the best strategy in the world
but if you can’t relay it
to your business partners,
employees, customers,
it won’t work.

As David Grossman explains

“You might have
the most compelling vision
for your organization,
but if you can’t get it out of your head
and get others to see it
and believe in it,
it might as well not even exist.

It’s up to you
to engage others
so they have the same clear picture you do
of your strategy and where the business is going.
Lift the perspective out of your head
and get it into others’
so they can own it
and help you achieve it.”

Figure out how to sum up
and sell your strategy
quickly and easily.