Dealing With Bad Reviews

My products (books) receive as many bad reviews
as they receive good reviews.
Both good and bad reviews
have been proven to sell product.
People don’t remember what the review said,
merely that the product was reviewed.

If reviewers don’t contact me,
I don’t contact them.
Many reviewers want to be viewed
as being neutral,
advocates for their own readers.
They view manufacturer (author) contact
as the manufacturer (author) trying to influence that neutrality.
Contact pisses them off.

If reviewers contact me,
they want a response
and I always return their emails,
even if the review blasted my product (book) to bits.

How do I respond to a bad review?

I thank them for taking the time
to review my product (book)
and I commend them on the service they’re doing
for the industry (the reading community).
I DON’T mention that it was a bad review.

The goal is to receive another review
on a different product
as reviews sell product.
Reminding them that they didn’t like the first product
wouldn’t achieve this goal.
Acknowledging their efforts does.

If reviewers reach out to you,
talk to them
but keep your goals in mind.

Categorized as Marketing