Become Accountable

There are very few hard deadlines
with writing novels.
Stories go into the submissions queue
when they’re received.
There are months, even years, gaps
between when a story is submitted
and when a writer is paid.

So one day delay doesn’t matter, right?
No one will raise a stink over it.
One day won’t make a big difference.

Except a day here or there
adds up
and days have a habit
of turning into weeks.

Many entrepreneurs,
especially during the start up stage,
are in the same situation.
It is very easy
to push that sales call off
until tomorrow.

What I do to stop this
is create artificial deadlines.

I’ll tell my editor to expect
my manuscript on a certain date.
I’ll ask friends/family
to keep me accountable.
One of my loved ones gives me
his ‘I’m very disappointed in you’ speech.

Delaying a day DOES matter.
Get it done NOW.