Looking At Alternatives

A writing friend approached me yesterday.
Her writing career (i.e. budding business)
has built to the point
where she can’t handle a full time day job.

However, the writing money isn’t there yet.
She needs additional income.

She is stressing,
juggling both the day job and the writing,
going without precious sleep
because she can’t afford to quit her day job
and write full time.

I hear from people with this challenge
ALL the time.

The average person
thinks full time,
all or nothing,
working on one job
or working on another job.

You’re not the average person.
You want to do something different
with your life,
it helps to look at the world differently.

And that means considering
all of the alternatives.

In my friend’s case,
this could be…
taking a leave of absence,
working three days a week at the day job,
switching to a contract job for the cash,
combining part time jobs,
accepting freelance work,
I could list 30 or 40 alternatives easily.

If you’re venturing
from the path well trodden,
the routes to success are only as limited
as your imagination.