New Year Resolution Party

Jim Rohn claimed that
“You are the average
of the five people
you spend the most time with.”

And the odds are…
you’ve invited at least
one of these five people
to your New Year’s Eve party.

If you want to become successful
and you wish to continue to associate
with this person,
it makes sense to help them become successful, right?

Writing down their goals
would help them become successful.

So why don’t you work New Year Resolutions
into your party?
Make it fun.

Have attendees set one crazy resolution
(“I’ll go streaking down my street”)
and one realistic resolution
(“I’ll take a sales course”).


Host an internet scavenger hunt,
finding articles
to help to help with resolutions.


Have a prize for the people
who keep their resolution
and award it at next year’s party.



Build goal setting into your party.
Help the people you know
become successful.