Believing In Goals

When I was young,
I told everyone who would listen
my goal was to become a millionaire.

My family was poor.
Many of the people I knew
were poor.

I’d tell other people my goal
and they’d either tell me
it wasn’t doable
(laughing at me)
or they’d humor me with a “sure, sure.”

Then I told the couple I dogsat for.
They didn’t laugh.
They didn’t give me a flippant response.
They sat me down
and asked me what my plan was.

(I didn’t have one
because I didn’t truly believe
the goal could happen.)

They wrote my thoughts down.
They asked questions.
They made suggestions.
They helped me formulate a plan.

They made my goal real.

A goal without a plan is a dream.
It isn’t real.
You won’t take action on it.

If you truly believe in your goal,
make a plan to achieve it.