Low Ball Pricing

I have stories with different publishers
and all of these publishers price differently.

I assumed that the lower priced stories
would sell more copies.
Hmmm… no.
I sell the same number of stories
regardless of the price.

I assumed that the lower priced stories
would garner better reviews
because they’re better value.
Hmmm… no.
The opposite is true.
I get harsher reviews on my less expensive stories
even though I believe they’re the same quality.

Indie author Elle Lothlorien
has these thoughts about low prices…

“I thought I was conveying the message
“Give this book a shot!
At $2.99 what do you have to lose?”
Instead, I think I had inadvertently
turned my Amazon page
into the equivalent of a dubious used-car lot,
with blinking neon lights screaming

If your profits
or sales are suffering,
try raising your prices.
Lower isn’t always better.