NaNoWriMo And Producing Quickly

November is National Novel Writing Month
and the good folks at
have once again organized
their 50,000 words written in a month

It is interesting to hear
the responses to NaNoWriMo.

Some writers are excited.
This is an opportunity
to be accountable for their words written,
to band together with other writers,
and to have some fun.

Then there are the grumblers.

My favorite grumble
is that words written quickly
are trash.

Yeah, that’s not true.
Actually, I find the stories I write quickly
are often my favorite stories
and the stories that sell easily.

It is often the same
with other product development.
The products that are
quick to develop
(quick does not always equal easy)
are often the products that sell well.
(because there’s often a clear reason
for the product
which team members can quickly rally around
and understand).

Quick CAN mean quality.
A process doesn’t have to be difficult
to be worthwhile.