Boast About Others

Boasting about others,
like thank you’s,
is often an underutilized tactic
for success.

When I tell Jim
“Betty did a great job on this project”,
a number of things happen.

Jim assumes I have
a close connection to Betty.
He may even see me as her manager
because who else would better benefit
from Betty’s achievement?

Jim assumes I had
something to do with the successful project.

Jim sees that I appreciate people,
and because he wants to be appreciated,
he assigns a benefit to creating a connection with me.

Betty will eventually hear
I was boasting about her,
and feel grateful.
She might want to repay me
by saying something nice about me.

And all of this is positive, uplifting energy.
There’s no backstabbing or negative games.
It creates a tighter, happier team environment.

Have you boasted about someone else today?

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